dView 2.22.34 released

New version 2.22.34 released.


  • Added: DPI values can now be set independently for horizontal and vertical resolution.
  • Added: new option in the Settings dialog to choose the default unit of measurement for selection info (pixels, inches or millimeters).
  • Added: new shortcuts to change the unit of measurement of selection info on the fly (Ctrl+1 = pixels, Ctrl+2 = inches, Ctrl+3 = millimeters).
  • Added: new option in the Save dialog box for the RAW format to choose the color order (RGB, BGR, etc...) and bytes layout (interleaved or planar).
  • Added: new Open as RAW command in the Open menu to load an image from raw bytes data.
  • Added: new option in the Settings dialog to check for program updates at startup.
  • Added: new Normalization and Triangulate filters.
  • Added: Invert Color Channel, Swap Color Channels, Replace Color and Filters commands can now be applied only to the active selection.
  • Changed: the values of the "numeric up and down" controls are now editable.
  • Changed: the values of the cells spacing in the Matrix of images and Tiled image dialog boxes now can be negative so that the images can be overlapped
  • Changed: code optimizations.
  • Changed: minor UI updates.
  • Fixed:  crash while reading the settings file if data is incorrect or corrupted.
  • Fixed: crash after undo the Flip horizontal or Flip vertical command.
  • Fixed: error while setting the image resolution if DPIs aren't numeric values.
  • Fixed: some errors related to Split image and Tiled image commands.
  • Fixed: some features regressions.

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